Art New
                Orleans, Visionary Art, Outsider Art, Barrister's Art

Art New Orleans, Barrister's Gallery, Outsider art,
                Visionary art

2331 St. Claude Ave and Spain, New Orleans, LA 70113  • 
504- 710-4506  •   Tues-Sat 11am-5pm  •  Directions

"Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables"

A group show curated by Dan Tague                                                                               
click on images for enlargement
John Henry Kelly

John Henry Kelly 1

John Henry Kelly 2

John Henry Kelly 3

Shawne Major

4.5' x 5'
mixed media

Susan Bowers

Susan Bowers- Stay

Stay with Me
(Family Reunion Series)

Susan Bowers

Retinal Fantasies
(Torso series)

Brian Guidry

Bayou Backwaters


Bayou 3

Bayou 4
Dan Tague


I have a Wooden Face
Mixed media 7.5" x 9"


Bambi--He drew first blood
Mixed media 7.5" x 9"

Fantasy Island

Welcome to Fantasy Island
Mixed media 7.5" x 9"

Here's Jack

All Work and No Play
Makes Jack a Dull Boy
Mixed media 7.5" x 9"